Posts Tagged ‘Sail Home’

June 30, 2016

A few months have passed since Old Sault first caught our ears with her finespun indie rock. The emerging Australian talent returns with Sail Home to tug at our heart strings once again with her brand of atmospheric aching, haunting emotive music. I’m once again thoroughly spellbound by a sound that carries the dusty drawl of Silversun Pickups, the hushed intimacy of early Trevor Powers (Youth Lagoon), the brittle poignancy of Soak, and the cinematic depth of post-rock. Sail Home glides ever delicately, yet it’s also immensely powerful. Old Sault takes us with her on her heartbreaking odyssey, and we ride along on its blusterous ebbs and tides. Old Sault’s debut EP, Mostly Worried, is set for an imminent release. I expect it to be a deeply moving experience.